Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Banks In Action

A non-profit organization Junior Achievement SR organized from 12th to 14th September 2007 final round of the computer simulation Banks in Action. The best teams from the Slovak republic that participated there had as their task to determine loan and deposit rates and the amount of money invested into marketing and research as well. The most successful team was that that was able to find the balance between loans and deposits, to determine the credit capacity and most importantly to realize the highest profit.
Lutheran High School was represented by EGprofiT team consisting of two students – Martin Lamrich and Dávid Svačina. They won both rounds of the simulation with the overall profit of seventy-three thousand USD (2. 55 000, 3. 54 000) and became the winners of the whole competiton.

text: M. Lamrich, D. Svačina, 5.A
photo: egt

The fastest way to view the pictures on a touch screen: tap the last thumbnail, then by taping move backward through the pictures!


Banky v akcii

V dňoch 12. - 14.septembra 2007 sa pod záštitou Junior Achievement SR uskutočnilo celoslovenské finále počítačovej simulácie Banky v akcii. Úlohou tímov, ktoré postúpili z krajských kôl, bolo zadávať úrokové sadzby vkladov a úverov, investície do marketingu a výskumu a vývoja. Úspešnosť tímov sa posudzovala podľa dosiahnutého zisku, t.j. zaistenia rovnováhy medzi vkladmi a úvermi, dodržiavania úverovej kapacity, atď.
Evanjelické gymnázium Tisovec reprezentoval tím nesúci meno bývalej študentskej spoločnosti EGprofiT, ktorý pozostával zo študentov Martina Lamricha a Davida Svačinu. Podarilo sa im vyhrať obidve kolá simulácie a s celkovým ziskom 73 tisíc USD (2. 55 000, 3. 54 000) sa stali aj víťazmi celej súťaže.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk