Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Shares subscription

On October 11, 2011, during the big break a subscription of the shares was held at our school. The shares were sold by the students from the new students company égalité. A buyer could buy maximally 3 shares. A price of a share was € 5. We were surprised that the shares were sold very quickly - during 5 minutes.

text: Linda Pazourková, 4. A
photo: Tomáš Čajko, 4. A

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Upisovanie akcií

Dňa 11. októbra 2011 sa na našej škole počas veľkej prestávky konalo upisovanie akcii, ktoré predávali žiaci študentskej spoločnosti égalité. Žiaci si mohli zakúpiť maximálne 3 akcie. Cena za jednu akciu bola 5€. Na naše veľké prekvapenie sa akcie predali veľmi rýchlo. Boli úspešne predané v priebehu 5 minút.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk