Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


In the footsteps of heroes of SNU with God

On Wednesday, May 24, 2017, a small group of EGT members joined a military march that's held in honor of fallen soldiers that died during Slovak National Uprising (1944).
The march lasts for 3 days in total and although we took part during the first day only, it was more than enough.
Our starting point was SNU's square in Zvolen. We laid down some wreaths, listened to the mayor's speech which was followed by the priest's speech along with a prayer. After a short instruction for participants we could finally begin our journey.
Following a path marked with blue sign that led us through woods and meadows, we arrived in Dubové. There we visited the Lutheran church and listened to the mayor's speech as well as the priest's.
We had delicious goulash to recover our strength. After lunch we paid a visit to the memorial of a Romanian soldier and stayed there for a prayer.
Afterwards we set off to Banský Studenec, which was also our final destination. We parted from those who continued their journey over to Banská Štiavnica. Our legs were aching and we were exhausted, but it was totally worth it as it was a great experience for all of us.

text: Ema Gažúrová, Nina Ondrová, 2. B
photo: účastníci pochodu

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Duchovne po stopách hrdinov SNP

V stredu, 24. mája 2017 sa príslušníci našej školy zúčastnili vojenského pochodu za vojakov padlých v SNP. Celý pochod trvá 3 dni, no my sme sa zapojili len počas prvého dňa výpravy – čo tiež nebolo málo.
Trasa sa začínala na námestí SNP vo Zvolene. Po kladení vencov, príhovoroch, modlitbe a poučení účastníkov sme sa vydali cez lesy a lúky do obce Dubové. Tam sme navštívili kostol ECAV, vypočuli si príhovor a duchovné slovo a posilnili sa gulášom.
Po obede sme ďalej pokračovali ku pomníku rumunského vojaka, kde sme mali zamyslenie a modlitbu. Potom sme prešli do Banského Studenca. Tam sa naša trasa skončila, aj keď vojaci pokračovali až do Banskej Štiavnice. Z výpravy sme si odniesli okrem boľavých nôh aj duchovné posolstvo vojakov a veľmi dobrý zážitok.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk