Miss Slovakia 2018 (even) under the baton of EGT alumni
As we have announced in the previous article, our graduate (2016) Radka Grendová moved to the finals of the competition Miss Slovakia 2018.
The final took place on April 28, 2018, and Radka has won a title of the 1st vicemiss and additionally the prizes Miss Drive and Miss Pleasant Voice.
In addition, the member of the jury was also a young fashion designer Michal Kováčik, EGT alumnus 2010.
text: egt, teraz.sk
photo: Ján Zemiar, slovenka
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Miss Slovensko 2018 (aj) v réžii absolventov EGT
Ako sme avizovali v predchádzajúcom článku, naša absolventka (2016) Radka Grendová postúpila do finále Miss Slovensko 2018.
Finále sa uskutočnilo 28. apríla 2018 a Radka v ňom získala titul 1. vicemiss a dodatočné ocenenia Miss Drive a Miss Príjemný hlas.
Navyše, členom poroty bol aj mladý módny dizajnér Michal Kováčik, absolvent EGT 2010.
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