Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Lets Get it Started

On 25 November 2009, a celebrity show called Lets get it started took place in Tisovec Municipal Cultural Center. The event was organized by the school company EGaTe. The celebrities from all over the world - Blue, Spice Girls, Hannah Montana, Mc Eric and Barbara and others graced Tisovec. The high spot of the evening was the never-dying pop music legend, the king of pop, Michael Jackson ! At the end of a successful evening EGaTe performed its own anthem We Keep Gettin Better.

text: Daniela Gáborová, 4. B
photo: Ing. Ladislav Čajko,učiteľ AE

Neoficiálna hymna ( unofficial anthem of ) EGaTe

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Lets Get it Started

Dňa 25. novembra 2009 sa konala v tisovskom MsKS celebrity show s názvom Lets get it started. Akciu zorganizovala študentská spoločnosť EGaTe. Tisovec poctili svojou návštevou celebrity z rôznych kútov sveta – Blue, Spice girls, Hannah Montana, Mc Eric a Barbara a iné. Zlatým klincom večera bola nehynúca legenda populárnej hudby, kráľ popu, Michael Jackson ! Bodku za úspešným večerom dala študentská spoločnosť EGaTe so svojou hymnou We keep gettin better.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk