Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


EGaTe at Schools in Brezno

On March 4th, 2010, a few members of student company EGaTe visited basic schools with kindergardens in Brezno (a town situated in the region of the second highest Slovakian mountain range named Low Tatras ) where they presented its final product called ecogame which is part of ecoset preparing by EGaTe. All day, EGaTe spent its time in two classes in kindergardens and in two classes full of the 1st formers in basic schools. They played our game that is composed of questions about the ecology and some sayings, too.
We were really surprised about the success of the game in schools in Brezno. It was totally educational for pupils and interesting as well. They had learnt how and why we ought to recyclate the litter and what is right to do in nature. It was fairly hilarious and kind to hear the sentence: „Rubbish goes to the litter bin!“ at the end of our visit there. By this way, we would like to thank teachers there – namely Mgr. Pavlusová (Pionierska 2), Mgr. Spáčová (Pionierska 4), Vrbovská (kindergarden in Pionierska 4) and Betková (kindergarden Pionierska 2) for the collaboration and help. The day was absolutely unforgettable experience for us.

text and photo: Barbora Máliková, 4. B

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EGaTe v breznianskych školách

Študentská spoločnosť EGaTe dňa 4. marca 2010 navštívila základné školy s materskou školou Pionierska 2 a Pionierska 4 v Brezne, kde prezentovali svoj finálny výrobok, ktorým je detská ekohra, ktorá je súčasťou ekosetu pripravovaného študentskou spoločnosťou EGaTe. Celý deň sme strávili v dvoch triedach materských škôl a dvoch prvých triedach základných škôl. S detičkami sme sa hrali hru, ktorá obsahuje ekologické otázky a poučenia. Stretli sme sa s veľkým záujmom a naša hra mala úspech. Deti sa predbiehali v odpovediach, naučili sa ako a prečo recyklujeme odpad a čo je pre prírodu správne. Najpotešujúcejšie pre nás bolo, že deti nás odprevádzali vetou: „Odpadky patria do koša!“.Týmto by sme chceli poďakovať aj pani učiteľkám Mgr. Pavlusovej (Pionierska 2), Mgr. Spáčovej (Pionierska 4), Vrbovskej (MŠ Pionierska 4) a Betkovej (MŠ Pionierska 2) za spoluprácu a ústretovosť. Pre nás bol tento deň veľmi poučný a nezabudnuteľný.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk