Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Visit from Kenya

On the 29th of April, 2014, the s.c. ChallengeT had a chance to meet with a few teachers from Kenya. These visitors got to choose from some schools in Slovakia that teach Applied Economics and seemed interesting to them, and they decided to visit EGT. The meeting was held at EGT and was a great experience for both of the groups, ChallengeT and the visitors. ChallengeT presented the projects Unlimited and Intersite, and its year-round activity.
The visitors were impressed by everything including the activities, professionalism and the great level of English. At the end they extended an offer to us to form a cooperation with the s.c. from Kenya. We gave each other ideas and suggestions and motivated each other for future activities.

text: Diana Lapajová
photo: ChallengeT

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Návšteva z Kene

Dňa 29. apríla 2014 sa š.s. ChallengeT mala možnosť stretnúť s učiteľmi z Kene. Títo návštevníci si vybrali niektoré školy zo Slovenska vyučujúce aplikovanú ekonómiu, ktoré ich zaujali a rozhodli sa navštíviť ich.
Stretnutie prebehlo v EGT a bolo veľkým prínosom pre obe skupiny, ChallengeT a aj keňských učiteľov. Š.s. ChallengeT im prezentovala projekty Unlimited a Intersite a svoju celoročnú činnosť.
Návštevníci boli ohromení celou našou aktivitou, profesionalitou a dobrou úrovňou angličtiny. Na záver nám ponúkli spoluprácu so š.s. z Kene, vymenili sme si nápady a navzájom sa motivovali do budúcnosti.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk