Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Preparation for Tallin

On June 23, 2014 the staff of the company AT&T a.s. from Bratislava and Košice visited our school. The aim of their visit was to hold a work meeting with the students from the student company ChallengeT who will represent the Slovak Republic in the Ja-YE Europe Company Competition in Tallin.
The meeting focused on the creation, concept and way of presenting our project Unlimited on the stage, in the stand and in front of a jury. Attending were: Diana Lapajová, Patrícia Dachová, Linda Csölleová and myself who together found it very interesting and inspiring. We thank them for their time and good ideas.
Keep your fingers crossed for our trip to Tallinn on 22nd-25th July 2014!

text and photo: Ladislav Čajko

The fastest way to view the pictures on a touch screen: tap the last thumbnail, then by taping move backward through the pictures!


Príprava na Tallin

Dňa 23. júna 2014 navštívili našu školu pracovníci spoločnosti ATaT a.s. z Bratislavy a Košíc (medzi ktorými bol aj Alexander Bocko, náš absolvent z roku 1997). Cieľom návštevy bolo pracovné stretnutie so žiakmi zo študentskej spoločnosti ChallengeT, ktorí pôjdu reprezentovať Slovenskú republiku na Ja-YE Europe Company Competition do Tallinu.
Stretnutie bolo zamerané na tvorbu, koncept a spôsob prezentácie nášho projektu Unlimited na pódiu, v stánku a pred porotou. Bolo to pre Dianu Lapajovú, Patríciu Dachovú, Lindu Csölleovú a tiež pre mňa veľmi zaujímavé a inšpirujúce. Ďakujeme im za ich čas a dobré nápady.
Držte nám palce v Talline v dňoch 22.-25. júla 2014 !

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk