Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Conference Bratislava Business Week 2019

In Bratislava, the first week of April was full of business. Four-day-long conference Bratislava Business Week 2019 took place in hotel DoubleTree by Hilton on April 1-4, 2019. Thanks to great results of the team of the last year student JA Company Pomegranate, two of its members were invited to participate at the conference – Anna Celanová and Andrea Uličná.
Each day of the conference was dedicated to a different topic - Strategy Design, Innovation Summit, Excellence Marathon a Human Empire, and so we had an opportunity to learn more about the future of business in Slovakia, about startups, marketing, financing and also about the psychology of sales process. Besides presentations from more than 100 speakers from Slovakia and foreign countries, the conference as well included panel discussions about different issues. We could also talk to several well-known people as the slogan of the conference itself says that the conference gathers “the biggest players of the business world in one place”.
We are thankful for the opportunity to attend the conference to JA Slovakia and our school, which supports us in learning about business even after the end of our student company. We would definitely recommend similar events to the future alumni of student company!

text and photo: Andrea Uličná 5. B, Anna Celanová 5. A, BBW

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Konferencia Bratislava Business Week 2019 aj s našimi študentami

Prvý aprílový týždeň sa v Bratislave niesol v znamení biznisu. V hoteli DoubleTree by Hilton sa totiž 1.- 4. apríla 2019 konala štvordňová konferencia Bratislava Business Week 2019. Na základe výborných výsledkov minuloročnej školskej firmy Pomegranate, sme sa na pozvanie JA Slovensko, konferencie zúčastnili aj my – Anna Celanová a Andrea Uličná.
Každý deň konferencie sa niesol v inej téme – Strategy Design, Innovation Summit, Excellence Marathon a Human Empire, a teda sme mali možnosť dozvedieť sa viac o budúcnosti biznisu na Slovensku, startupoch, marketingu, financovaní či psychológii predaja.
Okrem prezentácií od stovky spíkrov zo Slovenska a zahraničia boli súčasťou konferencie aj panelové diskusie zamerané na rôzne témy. Rovnako sme mohli prehodiť pár slov s významnými osobnosťami, pretože ako hovorí slogan konferencie, združuje „najväčšie zvery biznisu na jednom mieste“.
Za príležitosť zúčastniť sa konferencie ďakujeme neziskovej organizácii JA Slovensko a tiež našej škole, ktorá nás v tejto oblasti podporuje aj po skončení školskej firmy. Podobné akcie určite odporúčame aj budúcim absolventom školskej firmy!

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk