Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Main events  2024/2025

29.08.-02.09.2021Erasmus+, YES GREEN – Narva, Estonia
01.09.2021ceremonial Church Service
01.09.2021PTAs 1st year
09/2021Tisovec SNU
06.-08.09.2021team building – 1st grade
06.-07.09.2021Nemaj na saláme(workshop), 5th grade
06.09.2021purpose exercise - health and life care, 2nd grade
07.09.2021purpose exercise - health and life care, 1st grade
13.09.2021pedagogical board
15.09.2021Ativities for students home
17.-.19.09.2021Education – We teach for the life, Poprad
23.-30.09.2021Week of sports activities
23.09.2021European Day of Languages
23.09.2021School Sports Day
23.09.202119th year of Memorial of Peter Šóšik
30.09.-01.10.2021School conference ECAV
30.09.-01.10.2021online education
11.-15.10.2021Week of healthy lifestyle
26.10.2021ceremonial Church Services - Reformation Day
10/2021Cross country
28.10.-01.11.2021fall holidays
08.-14.11.2021Week of science at school
12.11.2022Conference INOŠKOLA
16.11.2021Day of fight for freedom and democracy
25.11.2021pedagogical board
25.11.2021Thanksgiving – supper
27.-28.11.2021Pincipals academy, Modra
05.11.2021ribbon ceremony V.A
12.11.2021Inoškola - conference
19.11.2021ribbon ceremony V.B
01.12.2021Day against AIDS
29.11.-03.12.2021Christmas Story - 1st grade
03.12.2021class PTAs, Christmas Story
29.11.-03.12.2021workshop - swimming course - 2nd grade
29.11.-03.12.2021workshop - financial literacy (MAT) – 3rd grade
29.11.-03.12.2021workshop - reading literacy (SJ) – 4th grade
29.11.-03.12.2021Seminars/ENG – 5th grade
7.12.20219:30 hod. Chapel - Christmas Story for EGT
13.-17.12.2021Big test – ENG 3-5 grades
13.-17.12.2021Essays – 1-2 grade
17.12.2021ceremonial Church Service, sauerkraut
12/2021school round of olympiads
12/2021competition Genius logicus, Expert
20.12.2021online teaching
21.12.2021Day off for 1st september
22.12.2021principal day off
23.12.2021-09.01.2022Christmas holidays
10.01.2022start of teaching
17.-21.01.2022Big test – ENG 1-2 grades
17.-21.01.2022Essays – 3-5 grades
18.01.2022Day of Jullie Ballantyne – concert - EAS
do 25.01.2022close grades 1st halfyear
26.01.2022classification meeting
27.01.2022Open House Day
31.01.2022end of 1st halfyear
03.02.2022evaluation meeting – at 13:00
04.02.2022half year holidays
07.-11.02.2022skiing course – 1st grade
07.-11.02.2022workshop - medial education (SJ, INF) – 2nd grade
07.-11.02.2022workshop -Global educatuuion – 3rd grade
07.-11.02.2022workshop -(SJ) – 4th grade
07.-11.02.2022seminary week - ENG/5th grade
02/2022school round SOČ
07.-11.03.2022spring holidays
15.03.2022written maturita exams of SJL – 4th grade
16.03.2022written maturita exams z ENG – 5t grade
17.03.2022written maturita exams z MAT – 5th grade
15.-17.03.2022purpose exercise – 1st grade
15.-17.03.2022workshop - ENG, 2nd grade
15.-17.03.2022Live library – 3rd grade
16.-17.03.2022SJL excourse – 4t grade
22.03.2022Earth Day
03/2022competition Kangaroo
12.04.2022Easter Curch service
12.04.2022pedagogical board
14.-19.04.2022Easter holidays
25.-29.04.2022written exams of ENG and bilungual subjects
04/2022Daffodil Day - Chapel
04/2022Excourse – Budapest, 3rd grade
04/2022entrance exams
04/2022competition Genius Logicus
10.05.2022Europe Day
12.05.2022classification meeting for 5th grade
16.-20.05.2022academical week 5th grade
23.-27.05.2022purpose exercise 2nd grade
23.-27.05.2022maturita exams 5th grade
27.05.202210:00 hod. - Graduation, goblet of wine
31.05.2022ceremonial Church Service – Ascension of Jesus Christ
05/2022purpose exercise - 3rd grade
01.06.2022big test ENG 4th grade
06.-10.06.2022Essays of ENG
09.06.2022close grades from Slovak
10.06.2022classification meeting for 4th grade SJL
10.06.2022principal day off 4.A
13.06.2022principal day off 4.B
13.-14.06.2022maturita exams - Slovak Language
13.-16.06.2022big test of ENG for 1,2,3 grades
20.-24.06.2022debate workshop – 1st grade
20.-24.06.2022IKT workshop – 2nd grade
20.-24.06.2022workshop - science spectrum – 3rd grade
20.-24.06.2022workshop - ENG – 4th grade
24.06.2022close grades 2nd halfyear
27.06.2022classification meeting
27.-29.06.2022class cleaning,trips
30.06.2022ceremonial Church Service, report cards
01.07.2022evaluation meeting
04.-06.07.2022Team building EGT staff (07.07.2022 substitution for 05.07.2022)
07/2022English Summer Language Camp

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk