Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Last time in the labs

Third-year students enjoyed their last laboratory practice with Ms Antalová in the fullest. Finally we didn't work under the pressure, because this time there was nothing that could go wrong as we were making soaps. A teacher Ms Antalová willingly explained the procedure and we helped her to make soaps for the 25th anniversary of our school which will take place on June 23rd, 2017.
If we were skillful enough (which we obviously were), we could make some soaps for ourselves. From this class, we brought back a remembrance but also a memories due to which we will remember our chemistry classes for a very long time. We would like to thank Ms Antalová for coping with us during this difficult year.

text: Anna Celanová, Barbora Bábelová, 3. A
photo: tretiaci

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Naposledy v „labákoch“

My, žiaci tretieho ročníka, sme si svoje posledné laboratórne cvičenia s pani učiteľkou Antalovou užili naplno. Konečne sme nepracovali pod tlakom, pretože tentokrát sa nedalo nič pokaziť. Vyrábali sme totižto mydlá. Pani učiteľka nám ochotne vysvetlila postup a my sme jej pomohli dokončiť mydlá, ktoré darujeme hosťom pri príležitosti osláv 25. výročia našej školy.
A ak sme boli dostatočne šikovní, čo sme zrejme boli, tak sme si mydlá mohli vyrobiť aj pre seba. Z hodiny sme si odniesli nielen malú pamiatku, ale aj spomienky, ktoré nám ešte dlho budú pripomínať nezabudnuteľné hodiny chémie. Pani učiteľke Antalovej týmto ďakujeme, že s nami zvládla tento náročný školský rok.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk